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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

respects its users’ privacy and undertakes to ensure that personal information obtained through its web information system is carefully protected and not provided to third parties or used for other purposes without their permission. Because the web information system contains certain links to other, third-party websites which are not affiliated with our company, we do not take responsibility for the protection of information on these websites., Kreatur d.o.o. undertakes to protect the information and privacy of visitors to its website to the best of its ability. To prevent unauthorized access to any information obtained or the disclosure of such information and to maintain the accuracy of personal information and ensure its proper use, we apply adequate technical and organizational measures for the protection of the information we collect.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files generated by websites during your visit. Websites save cookies on users’ devices in order to recognize settings for the website, user profile information and other information used by the user while accessing the website. Cookie storage is monitored by the user’s browser settings. These settings can be changed to enable or disable the use of cookies as the user sees fit. Cookies do not contain or collect information. Cookies are saved for various lengths of time; some are saved only for the duration of a single session, and others for much longer. The cookies we use on our website do not collect any personal data through which it would be possible to personally identify you and will not cause damage to your computer, tablet or mobile device.

Temporary or session cookies are used from the moment the user opens their browser and to the moment they finish their session and close their browser, thereby deleting the cookie. Websites use these cookies to store temporary information such as items the user has added to their shopping cart, to enhance the security of online banking, etc. Because these cookies are only stored for a short period of time, the risk of a breech of privacy due to their use is relatively small.

Permanent or persistent cookies are used to store permanent information about a visit, options selected, registration, website language settings, user profiles, traffic analysis, etc. This information will then be used the next time the user visits the website. Once used, persistent cookies are stored even after the user closes the browser and terminates the session. Persistent cookies can be stored on devices for days, months or even years.

1st party cookies are cookies of the website the user is viewing. They can be temporary or persistent. Websites use these cookies to save information that they will use the next time the user visits the website. 1st party cookies also include mandatory cookies, which are necessary for providing services demanded by the user and access to secure areas of a website.

3rd party cookies come from partner websites (that display ads on a website or measure traffic). These cookies can be used by 3rd parties to collect information about users from different websites. This information is then used in a number of ways: advertising, analytics, improving products, etc. These cookies represent a considerable threat to the user’s privacy. 3rd party cookies are commonly also used to load embedded elements such as ads, videos and social network plug-ins.
Which cookies do we use?


Name of cookie
PHPSESSIDDuration of sessionBasic website functionsAll pages
cc_cookie_accept1 yearSaves user settingsAll pages
cc_cookie_decline1 yearSaves user settingsAll pages


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Piškotek, ki uporabniku omogoča deljenje vsebin na družabnem omrežju Facebook. To ni piškotek, ki se naloži ob odprtju naše strani. Če pri uporabniku obstaja, ga naša stran le prebere in s tem ugotovi, ali je uporabnik trenutno prijavljen v omrežje Facebook.Strani, kjer se nahajajo vsebine, ki jih je možno deliti prek družabnega omrežja Facebook ali vtičnik Facebook Box
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trajanje seje
Piškotek, ki uporabniku omogoča deljenje vsebin na družabnem omrežju Twitter.Strani, kjer se nahajajo vsebine, ki jih je možno deliti prek družabnega omrežja Twitter.

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Google Analytics
Zabeleži razlikovanje med uporabniki in sejami
Zabeleži novo sejo ali novega uporabnika
Določa vir prometa ali oglaševalsko akcijo
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Strani, kjer se nahajajo vsebine, ki jih je možno deliti prek družabnega omrežja Twitter.
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Navedeni piškotki se naložijo ob ogledu ali deljenju videoposnetka. Omogočajo zaznavanje uporabnikove razpoložljive pasovne širine, štetje ogledov in deljenje posnetka, jezik. Celotna lista piškotovza Vimeo:, kjer so vdelani videoposnetki s portala Vimeo.
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Google Analytics
Zabeleži razlikovanje med uporabniki in sejami
Zabeleži novo sejo ali novega uporabnika
Določa vir prometa ali oglaševalsko akcijo
Zabeleži čas trajanja obiska
Strani, kjer so vdelani videoposnetki s portala Vimeo.


By using this website I agree to allow the website to use cookies on my computer or mobile device.


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There are multiple ways to manage and monitor your cookie settings. By deleting or blocking cookies, all or some of the pages you visit will not function correctly or as effectively as they otherwise would. To manage cookies, most browsers give you the option of accepting or denying all cookies. You can choose to accept only certain types of cookies, or have your browser warn you when a website is trying to install cookies. You can also turn off individual 3rd party advertising cookies. If you change the cookie settings in your browser, unless you delete or block each cookie individuallythe changes will be valid for all websites you visit, and not just for our website. You’ll also need to configure cookies separately for each browser you use. Information about cookies can usually be found in the Help menu of your browser. Below, you’ll find links to the Help menu in some of the most commonly used web browsers:


The cookies used by our website can also be disabled by following the instructions and installing the Opt-out Browser Add-on. Installation instructions can be found in the link below.

If you change or delete the browser files containing cookies or change or upgrade your browser or device, you will have to disable cookies again.

Cookie administrator

Kreatur d.o.o.
Jamnica 10
2391 Prevalje