Bikenomad World

Bikenomad World

Bikenomad Tours

Bikenomad World


In more than 23 years of work and joy in mountain bike tourism we meet a lot of different people. Here we present to you some of the most trusted partners and friends around the world, with whom you can truly experience authentic and unique trips worldwide with true local knowledge from the first hand.

Our partners and friends with whom we work for more than a decade:

Mountain biking Great BritainCycle Active
Mountain biking CanadaSacred Rides
Mountain Biking IsraelGo Adventure

If you want to enjoy riding in other top destinations around the world, we are recommending you our friends, who are running their own bike tours:

Rene - Mountain biking AUSTRIABikefex
Same - Mountain biking FRANCEBike Village
Andy & Aneela - Mountain biking SCOTLAND- UKGO- Where Scotland
Luca - Mountain biking ITALY - Finale LigureBike and Sun
Mandil - Mountain biking NEPALHimalayan Rides

Stojan - Mountain biking NORD MACEDONIA Outdoor Adventure Macedonia
Orgest - Moutain biking ALBANIA Ride the Balkans
Marek - Mountain biking POLAND