building new trails

maintaining the exsisting trails

work and ride - checking the line

Single trail park Jamnica

Trailbuilding for Holidays

In year 2008 we bought the farm Koroš ... with it, it came a new “playground” and question how to build the Trail Park...

We tryed 3 times to get support from EU Projects, with no success. Of course, our nature doesn`t allow us to give up! 

Therefore we build and maintain all the trails alone with support of local friends and in last years with new program “Trail Building for Holidays”,  with builders from all around ...


Most of the work on the trails was done by local heroes in their spare time. Thanks to: 

Matevž Kert, Vid Peršak, Nejc Kotnik, Danilo Vrčkovnik - Ruda, Damjan Kalčič- Kalči, Štefan and Leon Smonkar,  Anže Večko, Viki Germadnik,  Matej Šteharnik, Jošt Šteharnik and others.

Many thanks also to the trailbuiders who gave their holidays for the trails:

Harald Gschwandtner (Austria), Peter Magyari ( Hungary), Bernhard Witschi (Switzeland), Matej Babič ( Slovenia ), Liam White (Scotland), Lutz Dobrowohl ( Germany), Marek Chabros ( Poland), Calumn Mcbain (Scotland), Calumn Orr (Scotland ), Harry Plant ( United Kingdom ), Andrej Remškar (Slovenia),  Anja Širca (Slovenia),  Reuben Simmons  (Australia)


Article - Slovenia trip: "Build and Ride" - 43RIDE bike mag

We have a lot of new ideas how to develope our trail park and we can not do everything alone anymore.

You could support us also with donation for developing our riding area and help builders to maintain and develop the trails!