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Riding with nature

Riding with nature

Tourism as an industry can have big impact in the areas where it is developed. It is therefore important that its development is carefully directed in a way that its impacts are positive rather than negative.

Our joy and passion of spending time in nature and living with it gave us no choice but to start developing sustainable, nature- and community-friendly tourism. The way we do it is the way we share with others:

1.    Mountain biking in the natural environment

While riding in the natural environment not knowing the importance of preserving it or how to do it, we can have negative impact on the environment. It is for this reason that our guides and staff give advice on riding a bike in nature to preserve it.

We chose the trails carefully and we do not ride anywhere, where we could disturb local flora and fauna. For instance, we never ride outside of the trails!
In some parts in our forests, there are a lot of wild animals. In such areas, we have a rule of riding quietly, eventhough it can sometimes be hard to stay quiet when enjoying on amazing trails. On some trails, we never ride after 5.00 pm, as we know wild animals are on pasture at that time.

To minimize all the negative impacts, we organise tours for small groups only.
We believe in a "leave-no-trace" mountain biking philosophy!

2.    Cleaning the trails

Every year, we organise trail cleaning actions, when we clean the trails of leaves and loose rocks. We also clean, what is most importantly, any garbage we find on the trails and in the forest around them. When we ride with guests, our guides notify them not to leave any waste behind.

3.    Building trails

Around our Base in Jamnica, we are building our own Single Trail Park. We use all the resources necessary to make our trails sustainable and to prevent soil erosion. We use all natural materials. While building the park, we work with local farmers and bikers to find the best locations for trails and the best construction methods.

4.    Involving local community

If we want to give you the best of what our country has to offer, we need to get it from the best. And who knows the country better than the LOCALS? That is why we use local guides and their indispensable knowledge to make our tours unforgettable. We always ask the permission of local landowners to ride across their land.

As we want the places where we ride to benefit from our presence, we use restaurants, accommodation facilities and other services owned by the locals.